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Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine said it in 1985. Sometimes when you are trying to run a business, words DO get in the way. I hear from so many business owners that writing for their blog and social media gets in the way of the day to day business; purchasing, customer service, employee managing. There are people to network with, new products to research, and daily issues that arise. “When am I supposed to write a blog?” you may ask of every Smarty Pants who proclaims blogging is a must do for current commerce.
I get it. When running a business, there comes a time when one has to evaluate and delegate. You can’t do it all. So let it go. Do the thing you like and do well. Leave other things like writing a blog to someone who enjoys it and can devote the time to doing it well. Hire a writer to work part-time for you. Bring in a company who specializes in content writing. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, but it will take care of that part of your business that you know will benefit you in the long run. Keyword generated articles bring searches to your site. Customers love free stuff, and an informational blog can turn your readers into followers.
Ask yourself these three questions:
If the words are getting in the way of your other tasks, don’t hesitate to delegate. At 360 WEB DESIGNS, we have packages for much of your online marketing needs. We can research and write for you, so you can get back to your job.